Summary: Relapsing fever is an infection transmitted by a louse or tick. It is characterized by repeated episodes of fever.Relapsing fever is an infection caused by several species of bacteria in the borrelia family. There are two major forms of relapsing fever: (a) Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is transmitted by the ornithodoros tick. It occurs in Africa, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Asia, and certain areas in the western United States and Canada. The bacteria species associated with TBRF are Borrelia duttoni, Borrelia hermsii, and Borrelia parkerii; (b) Louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) is transmitted by body lice. It is most common in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. The bacteria species associated with LBRF is Borrelia recurrentis.
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