Rank: Species
Lineage: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Erysipelotrichia;Erysipelotrichales;Erysipelotrichaceae;Erysipelatoclostridium;[Clostridium] spiroforme
Description: Clostridium spiroforme. Clostridium spiroforme is commonly isolated from the feces of healthy humans, poultry, rabbits, and rodents. In one comprehensive 16S rDNA sequence-based enumeration of the colonic microbiota of three healthy adult humans, it represented, on average, 0.025% of all 16S rDNA sequences and 0.049% of the sequences in its division. However, this organism is also associated with an enterotoxic diarrhea in rabbits. This disease occurs in animals under stress or on antibiotics, and may be due to an overgrowth... More >>
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