Home » Organism » Acinetobacter » Acinetobacter sp. VT 511 ( 1 Genome)
Overview Taxonomy Detail

Acinetobacter sp. VT 511

Rank: Species

Lineage: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Pseudomonadales;Moraxellaceae;Acinetobacter;Acinetobacter sp. VT 511

Description: Isolates from a population of Acinetobacter which are clearly distinct from currently recognized species are tentatively designated at the species level. These unnamed isolates have not yet been characterized using traditional methods, or the species name has not yet been validly published.

Reference Material:

Name Rank Genomes Info
Acinetobacter Genus 45
Acinetobacter sp. VT 511 Species 1

Name: Acinetobacter

Rank: Genus


Acinetobacter is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the wider class of Gammaproteobacteria. Acinetobacter species are oxidase-negative, exhibit twitching motility, and occur in pairs under magnification.

Reference Material:

    • WGS
    • Russia
    • Gastroenteritis
  • Collection Year
    • -
  • Completion Year
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