Home » Organism » Legionella » Legionella longbeachae ( 1 Genome)
Overview Taxonomy Detail

Legionella longbeachae

Rank: Species

Lineage: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Legionellales;Legionellaceae;Legionella;Legionella longbeachae

Description: Legionella longbeachae is the predominant cause of Legionnaires' disease in Australia, but is an uncommon pathogen in other parts of the world. Legionella longbeachae infection has been associated with exposure to potting soil in Australia, the USA, Japan and the Netherlands. Despite differences in intracellular trafficking and replication, caspase activation and host specificity between L. longbeachae and L. pneumophila, the diseases caused by these bacteria are indistinguishable. In contrast to other legionellae, which inhabit fresh water systems world wide, L. longbeachae is found predominantly in moist potting soil. Risk factors and modes of transmission of L. longbeachae are poorly understood and require further investigation.

Reference Material:

Name Rank Genomes Info
Legionella Genus 7
Legionella longbeachae Species 1

Name: Legionella

Rank: Genus


Legionella is related to the genus Coxiella. Legionella is best known for causing Legionnaire's disease. The bacteria are ubiquitous. Although largely aquatic, they can thrive in areas other than lakes and streams. Legionella has a bad reputation because of its pathogenicity, although complete recovery from Legionnaire's is probable upon proper diagnosis.

Reference Material:

    • WGS
    • United States
    • Legionnaire's disease
  • Collection Year
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  • Completion Year
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