Home » Organism » Legionella » Legionella pneumophila ( 3 Genomes)
Overview Taxonomy Detail

Legionella pneumophila

Rank: Species

Lineage: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Legionellales;Legionellaceae;Legionella;Legionella pneumophila

Description: Legionella pneumophila is a thin, aerobic, pleomorphic, flagellated, nonspore-forming, Gram-negative bacterium of the genus Legionella. L. pneumophila is the primary human pathogenic bacterium in this group and is the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, also known as legionellosis.

Reference Material:

Name Rank Genomes Info
Legionella Genus 7
Legionella pneumophila Species 3

Name: Legionella

Rank: Genus


Legionella is related to the genus Coxiella. Legionella is best known for causing Legionnaire's disease. The bacteria are ubiquitous. Although largely aquatic, they can thrive in areas other than lakes and streams. Legionella has a bad reputation because of its pathogenicity, although complete recovery from Legionnaire's is probable upon proper diagnosis.

Reference Material:

    • Complete
    • WGS
    • Australia
    • Spain
    • Unknown
    • Legionnaire's disease
  • Collection Year
    • -
  • Completion Year
    • -