Home » Organism » Shewanella » Shewanella sp. Sh95 ( 1 Genome)
Overview Taxonomy Detail

Shewanella sp. Sh95

Rank: Species

Lineage: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella sp. Sh95

Description: Isolates from a population of Shewanella which are clearly distinct from currently recognized species are tentatively designated at the species level. These unnamed isolates have not yet been characterized using traditional methods, or the species name has not yet been validly published.

Reference Material:

Name Rank Genomes Info
Shewanella Genus 1
Shewanella sp. Sh95 Species 1

Name: Shewanella

Rank: Genus


Shewanella is the sole genus included in the Shewanellaceae family of marine bacteria, some species within it were formerly classed as Alteromonas. Shewanella consists of facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative rods, most of which are found in extreme aquatic habitats where the temperature is very low and the pressure is very high. Shewanella bacteria are a normal component of the surface flora of fish and are implicated in fish spoilage.

Reference Material:

    • WGS
    • Argentina
    • Skin infection
  • Collection Year
    • -
  • Completion Year
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