Home » Organism » Vibrio » Vibrio cholerae ( 35 Genomes)
Overview Taxonomy Detail

Vibrio cholerae

Rank: Species

Lineage: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Vibrionales;Vibrionaceae;Vibrio;Vibrio cholerae

Description: Vibrio cholerae can colonize the mucosal surface of the small intestines of humans where it will cause cholera, a severe and sudden onset diarrheal disease. One famous outbreak was traced to a contaminated well in London in 1854 by John Snow, and epidemics, which can occur with extreme rapidity, are often associated with conditions of poor sanitation. The disease has a high lethality if left untreated, and millions have died over the centuries. There have been seven major pandemics between 1817 and today. Six were attributed to the classical biotype, while the 7th, which started in 1961, is associated with the El Tor biotype.

Reference Material:

Name Rank Genomes Info
Vibrio Genus 40
Vibrio cholerae Species 35

Name: Vibrio

Rank: Genus


Vibrio is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria, possessing a curved-rod shape (comma shape), several species of which can cause foodborne infection, usually associated with eating undercooked seafood. Typically found in salt water, Vibrio species are facultative anaerobes that test positive for oxidase and do not form spores. All members of the genus are motile and have polar flagella with sheaths. Vibrio species typically possess two chromosomes, which is unusual for bacteria. Each chromosome has a distinct and independent origin of replication, and are conserved together over time in the genus. Recent phylogenies have been constructed based on a suite of genes (multilocus sequence analysis).

Reference Material:

    • Complete
    • WGS
    • Bangladesh
    • Brazil
    • China
    • Haiti
    • Cholera
    • Diarrhea
  • Collection Year
    • -
  • Completion Year
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